If the radiance of a thousand suns Were to burst at once into the sky, That would be like the splendor of the Mighty One... Robert Oppenheimer, who led the American Project to develop the Atom Bomb is widely quoted as quoting the above verse from the Bhagavad Gita upon seeing the first bomb go off. In a later interview, he mentioned that another verse from Gita also came to his mind during that moment. I am become Death, The shatterer of Worlds Of course, Oppenheimers brother claims all he said was "it worked!, it worked!!". However, facts should not come the way of a good story. The biggest such urban legend i have heard is a story that "young woman" in the Hebrew bible was translated to "virgin" in the Greek version. I do not have the erudition, nor the scholarship to know the truth one way or another as a fact. However, I wonder it it matters in the context of an established story. Over the years philosphers and scientists seem to have obsessed wit...