
Showing posts from November, 2006

Dissidence in Iran

An insightful and sometime exhaustive look at dissidence in Iran. Many parallels are drawn with the Czech dissident movement and India's own independence movement. The anti-Shah revolution was not hijacked by the clerics, he said, just as the Bolshevik revolution was not stolen by Stalin, as Trotsky had claimed. “We began revolution, in order to create a paradise, but we created hell.” An unjust regime can be changed only by civil disobedience, nonviolently, he holds. Invasion cannot export or impose democracy either. The basic thrust of the article is the claim that the fight in this world is not between civilizations, but between open secular societies and religious worlds. This fight happens, according to the author, in all societies including the western ones.

To Joy

Welcome to the Ninth : The young Beethoven burst into his dad's workplace and demanded half the pay to feed his siblings. Daddy was welcome to drink away the rest. He did not know then, but this was to be the story of his life. Triumph over the disadvantages of life, through determination and a sheer force of personality. A mother who died when he was young. A drunk father. An upbringing in provincial Bonn [10], away from the nerve center that was Vienna. And deafness. Creeping, terrifying, isolating, lonely deafness. It is said that music moves the soul. Sometimes, it also grabs it by both hands, shakes it up like a rag doll and take it for a wild ride. [1] Beethoven's Ninth symphony is officially called The Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125. It is also sometimes referred to as "Choral", because of its use of the human voice on par with instruments in the fourth movement [2]. However, it is most often referred to simply as "The Ninth". Compose

India's Policy Options in Sri Lanka

The tenuous peace in Sri Lanka that has held for the last few years has broken down and a full fledged civil war is again underway. India is once again under pressure from all sides to come out of its shell and put behind its hands off policy. While this may or may not happen, the question does arise as to what India's policy should be in case it does decide to play a more active role in Sri Lanka. It is my opinion that India's policy should be work towards a single, consistent goal - that of preventing the emergence of an independent Tamil state on the island, or popular support thereof for a similar idea. The emergence of such a homeland will lead to strategic irritants for India in the long term. In consonance with such a goal, it makes complete sense for India to call for and actively support the destruction of the LTTE. Prabakaran has made it clear by his actions in the recent past that nothing but a completely independent homeland with him as the permanent dictator wou

Life, Religion, Parenting and Politics

Lifelong conservative John Derbyshire talks about this loss of faith, and the lessons of his life, as seen 61 years into it.