
Showing posts from January, 2017

Muslim ban and the Democratic party

Trump's ban on all citizens from seven muslim countries from entering the US may finally do the impossible and unite the Shia and Sunni. The Democratic Party, all said and done, is making plenty of noise and is behaving like a party that won the plurality of the vote.  This is a relief.  However, they do need to figure out how to fine tune the message. We are clearly seeing a sunset era (maybe temporary) for globalization and trade deals.  The Democrats were clearly caught on the wrong side of this and Trump - shrewdly or accidentally - has ridden this wave to the white house.  This is a real problem, and the party needs to figure out which side they are on.  It is not OK for the Obama wing to be pro-TPP and the liberal wing to be against it and the Clinton wing to be everywhere at once.  Republicans can afford to be ride both horses at once on this because they are in power and Trump will dominate their public image for a while.  But democrats need to unify. Aside from thes