August 2021 Update - A Small Experiment

Background: Dividend Portfolio - Dividend Growth Stocks. Speculative Portfolio - Good companies that are richly valued high growth companies. Both portfolios were started with 10% of my liquid assets each on Jan 1st 2021. August Update: I love to think about what it means to be rational (more in the Long Read section). The biggest breakthrough in terms of how I think about my life came when I realized how deeply irrational I actually am. In the face of this, rationality seems more like an ideal than a practice. With Markets, I am reminded often that irrationality rules the day, while rationality wins in the end. However, they also say that the markets can be irrational longer than you can be solvent. I have accepted this as a fact. I don't speculate too much on things like "the market is too high", or "it is due for a correction". Both of my portfolios are meant to ride the waves (larger waves in the case of speculative portfolio). ...