October Update - A Small Experiment

Background: Dividend Portfolio - Dividend Growth Stocks. Speculative Portfolio - Good companies that are richly valued high growth companies. Both portfolios were started with 10% of my liquid assets each on Jan 1st 2021. October Update: Well, the stock market seems to be able to stay irrational much longer than we can stay solvent. In normal times, i would have sold out and waited this out. However, in my portfolios, I have a commitment to stay fully invested all the time. It did help. The Speculative portfolio, which had gone underwater over the last couple of months, came back to something like even, while the dividend portfolio stayed stable. Both underperformed S&P 500. The relentless march of the indexing continues. The experiment was supposed to pick the winner between the dividend portfolio and the speculative portfolio. I wonder if Indexing will end up being the real winner! Saves a lot of time for sure, but will it als...