
Showing posts from March, 2022

US-Russia-India Relations

One thing I like about America is that lot of people who influence foreign and domestic policies are public figures.  The debates that happen are not in closed rooms in some government building, but out in the public arena in the traditional and social media.  I refer here of course to serious policy debates, not the gaslighting that dominates social media.  Maybe this is why America still retains a certain degree of credibility in spite of a long series of mis steps since the end of the Cold War.  I wanted to write about some such public opinions from people I have come to consider as very smart.  Here it goes... I have always wondered why one would call Political Science a Science?  The scientific method involves developing a theory, making predictions that could prove or disprove the theory and then conducting experiments to validate. Well, you cannot conduct experiments on politics since only one outcome happens and the outcomes that don't happen, while...