
Showing posts from June, 2005

'Enemy Of Islam'

Yoginder Sikand on secularism: "I have recently earned this epithet after discovering that Hindutva fascists and Islamist radicals need to be opposed equally consistently. Before that truth dawned on me, my denunciations of Hindutva were regularly published in the Jama'at-i Islami's weekly Radiance, but these stopped completely ever I began speaking out against Islamists and obscurantist mullahs as well..."

Violence in Kashmir

Terrorists detonate a car bomb near a school, killing kids. The on-lookers and the victims raise anti-India slogans! Sad are the fruits of total indoctrination.

KPS Gill on Jinnah

KPS Gill provides the perfect counterpoint to Advani's comments. "That Jinnah was neglected or marginalised in the Congress, and this 'forced' him to an extreme position is no more a justification than is claimed by other groups that commit communal carnage in the name of present 'neglect' or past wrongs."

M J Akbar on Jinnah

M J Akbar writes this piece purely about Jinnah and his role in Indian History, thus circumventing the distortion field created by Advani's comments. "History might be better understood if we did not treat it as a heroes-and-villains movie. Life is more complex than that. The heroes of our national struggle changed sometimes with circumstances."

Post Mortem: Advani-Jinnah Episode

Kuldip Nayar presents his sensible thoughts .

Advani, Jinnah and the RSS

In the end, there was no decisive showdown. Instead there is an uneasy compromise. Advani has retracted his resignation. RSS gets its way on Jinnah: "The BJP has always condemned the division of India on communal lines and continues to steadfastly reject the two-nation theory championed by Mr Jinnah and endorsed by British colonialists." Advani gets his way on the Pakistan visit: "A statement issued by the party after a key meeting in Delhi praised Mr Advani's 'path-breaking visit to Pakistan' and 'appreciated' the Pakistan government's invitation to the BJP leader to inaugurate a restored Hindu temple."

Advani and Jinnah - A roundup

Only the Indian Express seems to truly believe that Advani was following his heart when he made his comments about Jinnah. "The paper says it is to Mr Advani's great credit that he has chosen a matter of principle on which to stand up to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the Hindu nationalist organisation from which the BJP draws its ideological roots." The Times and The Hindu seem to have taken the standard line that Advani is just and oppurtunist who is swaying with the wind. "It is possible to agree with many of his critics who insist that Mr Advani has never had any core beliefs and that his thinking and politics were always shaped by a shrewd discerning of the prejudices of the day" - Hindu "The sudden reappraisal of Jinnah was part of a well thought out plan to shake off [Mr Advani's] hardliner image, which was seen to be working to his disadvantage in the Premier League power game." - Times of India I believe that Hindu and Times are be

Act of Courage

Advani's comments about Jinnah have raised a firestorm, with both the extremist right (VHP) and the center left (Congress) condemning it. However, this presents a historic opportunity for the liberal elements of Indian intelligencia. On alternative (unfortunately the likely alternative), is that the liberals will gloat about the hawk becomming a dove, call it a false facade that Advani has put up to 'soften' his image, and generally discredit and skirt the entire issue that Advani has brought up. This of course will hand the BJP on the platter to the VHP types and in the long run, cause incalculable damage to Indian polity. Another alternative is for the left to stand by him and use the debate as a weapon for peace and reconciliation with Pakistan. We shall watch closely to see which way the left leans. Indian Express has already made the right sounds in its editorial .

Advani Resigns due to Jinnah controversy

Togadia's vitriol breaks the spirit of the elder statesman. Advani resigns . The text of the speech that started it all reveals nothing except sensible thoughts on peace and prosperity. Such talk is of course, unthinkable for the likes of Togadia.

Advani Praises Jinnah

How times change! Advani praises the secular vision of Jinnah and Congress critisizes Advani for doing so. Advani is right of course. Jinnah did put forth his vision of a secular moderate Pakistan during is address to Pakistan's constituent assembly. Try explaining that to Togadia, who has called both Jinnah and Advani'traitors'.

The Paris Hilton Tax

David Runciman goes to the heart of the debate about Estate Tax.