Act of Courage

Advani's comments about Jinnah have raised a firestorm, with both the extremist right (VHP) and the center left (Congress) condemning it.

However, this presents a historic opportunity for the liberal elements of Indian intelligencia.

On alternative (unfortunately the likely alternative), is that the liberals will gloat about the hawk becomming a dove, call it a false facade that Advani has put up to 'soften' his image, and generally discredit and skirt the entire issue that Advani has brought up. This of course will hand the BJP on the platter to the VHP types and in the long run, cause incalculable damage to Indian polity.

Another alternative is for the left to stand by him and use the debate as a weapon for peace and reconciliation with Pakistan.

We shall watch closely to see which way the left leans. Indian Express has already made the right sounds in its editorial.


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