Reason and Religion

A long but brilliant and engaging article written by Daniel C. Dennett, a Professor at Tufts University. It is filled with outrageously illuminating one liners like:
H.L. Mencken cynically said, "For every complex problem, there is a simple answer ... and it is wrong."
It ends with a thought for the ages:
It is time for the reasonable adherents of all faiths to find the courage and stamina to reverse the tradition that honors helpless love of God — in any tradition. Far from being honorable, it is not even excusable. It is shameful. Here is what we should say to people who follow such a tradition: There is only one way to respect the substance of any purported God-given moral edict. Consider it conscientiously in the full light of reason, using all the evidence at our command. No God pleased by displays of unreasoning love is worthy of worship.
I could not agree more.


Anonymous said…
What do you mean by helpless fear of God.

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