The First Debate

John Kerry made a comment during the presidential debate about taking America to war only if the issue passes the "global test". Esteemed correspondent Al Antispinner caught up with him in at the after party and quizzed him about this comment.

"You don't expect me to go to war based on the opinion of cowboys do you? If I do that, hawks everywhere else get upset. We are going to war anyway, all I am saying is why not throw a few bones to the hawks before we do?" asked Mr. Kerry. He later seemed worried about his remarks "You are not going to report that are you?", he asked.

Meanwhile it was clear that the president's team started the pre-planned victory party even though victory was not apparent. "Kerry's credibility gap has turned into a credibility canyon", said one aid. When told that based on what had just happened he sounded ridiculous, he looked as lost as Bush did at the debate.

One of the Republican volunteers, with whom AA was able to talk to, was not very happy with the way things turned out. He said that they had worked for months and succeeded in conveying to the American population how Mr. Bush was in fact superman, and Mr. Kerry was a secret creation of Walt Disney. He lamented the flawed electoral system in the United States that un-caringly exposes candidates to situations where the voters can actually judge them objectively. It would be much better, he concluded if they had to deal with only pre-fabricated tv ads, canned sound bites and carefully scripted stump speeches.

In related news, the chief Republican strategist Mr. Rover dismissed claims by the media that Kerry emerged clear winner in the debate. When AA asked him about a Gallup poll that said so, Mr. Rover claimed that Gallup was a partisan organization aligned against the Republican cause. AA noted that the same Gallup had reported a whopping 13 point lead for the Republicans not a few days ago. Mr. Rover said at this point that the 13 point lead was in fact an underestimation and this proved his claim about Gallup. According to Mr. Rover the Republican party maintains its own polling team and they report that the President in fact has the confidence of 99.999998 % of Americans. He said the only time that support had come down was during the DNC, when the Democratic "bounce" had reduced it to 95.637%.


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