Reservations in Private Colleges

The Supreme Court says private institutions that do not get any governmental aid should have the right to admit whomever they want.

This step is an affirmation of the feeling that India needs to be freed from the strangulating influence of its politics and its politicians. Whereas reservations were targetted towards the noble goal of making man equal to man irrespective of caste, they have been corrupted beyond recognition into a political currency that can be bought and sold for the benefit of the ruling class. Such reservations are almost always exploited by the cream among the qualifying castes (who do not need it), and people with fake caste certificates (who should not have it).

Of course, this could well turn out to be another Shah Bano case, with the government passing yet another law that goes against reason and morality. After all, who is going to oppose such a law? Nobody. Not even the BJP, which is too wounded to fight this fight.


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