Liberalism and the Minorities

A brilliant essay by KPS Gill about liberalism and how the apologists are wrong in finding "root causes" for heinous acts of terrorism.

On Kashmir:

over a decade and a half of Islamist terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir - explicitly engineered and supported by Pakistan - is blamed on the failure to 'assimilate' the Kashmiri Muslim into the 'national mainstream', and to discriminatory policies that resulted in 'poverty' and 'unemployment' in the state - and the fact that Jammu and Kashmir was far from the poorest region in the country has had no bearing on these arguments.

On Punjab:

Khalistani terrorism - again backed by Pakistan - was attributed to supposed 'discrimination' against a community that was unique in the extraordinary honour and prominence that had been conferred upon it, in its exceptional achievements, and in its comparative wealth within the Indian context.

Finally, there is a call to explicitly recognize the mischief and violence that can be perpetuated by any organized religion:

Further, it is now imperative that we clearly recognise the enormous harm that organised religions have inflicted on humanity through history, and abandon the enterprise of looking for justifications or refutations for the excesses of extremists and zealots in the religious texts of these various faiths.

I wonder if Gill, in his refusal to view mankind in religious or ethnic lines, is really the true liberal.


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