One for the ages

This is one for the ages. Obama's preacher, Jeremiah Wright was shown on video saying God Damn America for its treatment of blacks. His sermons were relentlessly shown on TV day after day and Obama was asked repeatedly to denounce Wright. Then he gave this speech. If everyone expected a defensive crouch, it did not happen. Instead he gave this speech that will go into history books. He denounced Mr. Wright's words, but not the man himself.

1. My wife has the blood of both slaves and slave owners.
2. Racism is so ingrained in people of a different generation.
3. The current generation has made a lot of progress.
4. Much remains to be done.
5. Black people's concerns about racism are not just in their minds. They are real.
6. So too are the concerns of white people. They should not be automatically labelled racist because of those concerns.
7. Affirmative action is a failure.
8. Blacks should embrace personal responsibility.
9. Society should provide equal opportunities for people of all races.

There were many cynics who had ideas about Obama being "just the right amount of black", half white as he is. It would have been so easy to simply disown Mr. Wright. He would have probably sailed through the storm, and the black voters would have forgiven him, rationalizing that he did what he had to do. But whith this speech, he boldly stated that he is a black man running for president, and is proud of it. America should be proud also. What a great president he would make!


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