Coronavirus impressions 2

Topic 1 - Halftime adjustments have failed
The Government's halftime adjustments have failed.  As of today (4/23), US and South Korea have similar per capita tests conducted (about 11K per Million).  The infection rate in South Korea is 209 per Million.  In the US it is 2569 per Million.  This is governmental failure on an epic scale.

Topic 2 - Wishful thinking
Wishful thinking is not wishful thinking anymore.  It is Plan A.  Previously it was Hydroxychloroquinine.  Now it is Chlorox and Sunshine.  It has clearly replaced any plans involving  hard and sustained work to find a practical solution (that kind of stuff is best left up to lower life forms like Governers).  Instead we have a lot of bluster (threatening India into exporting Hydroxychroquinine), bullying (stealing mask supplies from asia going to other countries) and distraction (is stopping Green Card processing for 60 days the most impactful thing the government can do for citizens right now?).  At this point, we need one of these wishful thoughts to actually work for us to be saved.  It is all very disturbing.

Topic 3 - Return to normal
Nobody knows if and when society returns to normals.  But polls seem to have done so.  Trump's approval numbers are back to the comfort of their pre-virus plateau.  Betting markets are back to calling this a tossup as opposed to slightly leaning red.
Is there any chance the people who will support Trump even if he shoots someone on 5th Avenue will change their minds?  For the first time in more than a decade, I came across an article on National Review that I actually agreed with (mostly).  The user comments were more critical of Trump than I have ever seen on that publication - which is to say a small number of comments were critical.  This may be a sign of a thaw, but I have been disappointed in the past and am not hopeful.


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